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 Global Network of Women

Working together to create a peaceful, inclusive, and regenerative future.


Heart-centered organization: at our core, The Sisters is about relationship.

The power of every one of us to make a difference. 


for the global community



the each other with dignity

Grandmother and Granddaughter


which extends beyond us


which enrich our lives

Our Mission

empower,embolden & inspire

To empower, embolden and inspire women to achieve their fullest potential, and to work together to create a better world through the power of love.


women working together

A global web of women working together to create a world in balance. A better way for women to connect to learn, gain strength, and make better decisions than the world is making on the current level of consciousness. 


A place to learn and build our strength and clarity of vision; a place that helps us understand and take action, organize, and share our gifts with the world; place where women can connect with who we really are – not who society tells us we are. 


power in unity

Inner World - When one rises, we all rise: We each know the gift we are in the world, fully connected to our joy, grace, courage, truth and power.


Shared World – Sisterhood: We join together in a sacred space of mutual respect and support, unconditional love, collaboration and celebration.


Outer World – Power in Unity: We stand shoulder to shoulder as we create a world of peace, prosperity, sustainability and balance.


stand up and speak up

Forging a global network of empowered women ready and willing to stand up and speak up.


Sharing wisdom, knowledge, skills, and connections to support women as they unleash their inner leader.  Supporting the emerging shift in consciousness.

WFH Setup

Please sign up here for occasional updates on Sisters news.


(This is not the same as signing up to become a Sister - for now our membership is by nomination only. If you don’t know a Sister who can nominate you, but you feel you would fit right in, please contact us.)


For queries about membership or activities.

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