Together We Can Change the World
Global | Relationships | Projects | Feminine Leadership
The Sisters started out as a bunch of women gathering for a long weekend to celebrate Roz Savage’s 50th birthday back in 2017. By the end of the weekend - a cross between a conference, a party, and an extended sleepover - everybody there felt that something magical had happened and wanted to continue to share the sisterly love.
Since then we have held twice-yearly weekend retreats in the US and UK, and since the start of the Covid lockdown in 2020 we have held weekly calls to check in with each other and discuss a variety of topics around health, community, and sustainability.
Our vision is for a genuinely global group of women, connected in a rich web of relationships, aligning around a shared vision to create a better world. Coretta Scott King said, “Women, if the soul of the nation is to be saved, I believe that you must become its soul.” This can be said, not just of the nation, but of the world.
Sisters membership provides:
A sense of community and belonging
Thought-provoking explorations on weekly calls in a women-only, psychologically safe space
Mastermind groups and accountability buddies to offer mutual support and help you achieve your goals
Kindred spirits to co-create projects that promote a more sustainable, peaceful, and thriving future
Invitations to twice-yearly retreats, organised on a not-for-profit basis
A secure forum with topic-focused channels where you can discuss, organise, and find collaborators who care about the same things you do
Opportunities to collaborate with and empower women in both developed and developing countries
In order to apply for membership you must be nominated by an existing Sister. If you now have a nomination, please complete the application form, using the button below:

Discord is the name of the website and app that we use as our Sisters communication platform. Please don’t be put off by the name - we are a very harmonious crew! Using Discord we can have conversations about a number of subjects, either by text, voice, or video. Current conversation threads (called ‘Channels’) include ‘general chat’, ‘intentional communities’ ‘feminine leadership’, and many more. We are always happy to hear suggestions for new channels on topics that you want to talk about.
The Sisters host events including workshops, hikes, study groups, and deep dives into specific topics. All members are welcome - and because we are a decentralised organisation, we also invite you to organise the events that you want to see happen!
Our twice-yearly retreats involve scheduled workshops and activities, as well as plenty of time for walking and talking, socialising and eating, with other Sisters. We run these on a not-for-profit basis. As with events, we warmly welcome Sisters to take the initiative and propose retreats in your part of the world.
When Covid struck in early 2020, The Sisters started to meet every Monday for a group call on Zoom. For many of the Sisters, this call became a window of relief from the strains of lockdown living, and we decided to continue the calls post-Covid. Each week there is a different topic to discuss, in a warm, safe and supportive space.
A coracle is a small, circular rowing boat, native to many regions around the world.
This seemed like the perfect word to describe the sub-circles formed by a group of Sisters to focus on a particular project, activity, or personal development technique.
To keep the coracle in balance, everybody is called to participate and cooperate, and not rock the boat so much that somebody falls out!